Large $75

2912x2912 px | 9.7"x9.7" @ 300dpi


woman, wearing, adult, pit, camisole, top, bullterrier, American, smiles, buddies, canine, cute, two, shelter, fighter, friends, monotone, lover, sweet, rescue, faces, young woman, family, adoration, best friend, love, white, bull, monochromatic, dog, beautiful, close, black, hugs, man, female, adore, girl, full-grown, household, follower, hug, embrace, face, clothing, combatant, grasping, grown, devotee, buddy, domestic animal, prosody, hunting dog, 2, clasp, animal, smile, friend, buff, facial expression, lawman, fan, intonation, hole, terrier, grin, recovery, cop, miss, policeman, tooth, grinning, person, american, bone, mammal, male, gesture


A girl and her dog, dog, canine, female, young, woman, black and white, smiles, hugs, two, 2, monochromatic, monotone, grayscale, rescue, shelter, Remy, remington, faces, love, family, adore, adoration, cute, beautiful, close up, pitbull, pit bull, lover not a fighter, sweet, buddies, friends, man's best friend, BFF,

  • ID: 556b5e01ea8033af7c9ec991
  • Original Size: 2912 x 2912px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: May 31, 2015
  • Permission: Yes
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes