Large $75

4608x3456 px | 15.4"x11.5" @ 300dpi


vertebrate, relax, relaxation, relaxed, content, contentment, happiness, happy times and jolly moments, happy, peace, peaceful, peaceful scene, peacefulness, serene, 1 animal only, 1, 1 animal, one, one animal, wild animal, wild, wildlife, head, head back, eyes closed, side, side view, sea, sea animal, sealife, sea life, outdoor, outside, believe, rock, green, grass background, grass, grace, sleep, rest, resting, sleeping, ripples, ripple, water, water backdrop, liquid, liquid background, backwards, sit, sit on, sit down, backward, brown, brown animal, shadow, shadows, shade, shaded, sunny, sunny day, alone, harmony, single, single animal, tranquility, tranquil, tranquil environment, tranquil image, tranquil location, tranquil place, scenery, sleek, rubber, eye closed, upward, upward angle, upwards, wet, wet background, whiskers, whisker, flow, floated, blue, blue backdrop, pose, posing, flipper, flippers, king, tail, back, arch, arching, reaching, reaching up, satisfaction, satisfied, above, pray, location, location shot, coast, coastal, coastal area, coastal region, coast region, coast area, coastal feature, nature, nature detail, nature lover, natural, natural beauty, purity, reach, patience, enjoy, enjoyment, home, pacific, pacific coast, ocean, ocean creature, ocean front, rock climber, climb, success, swimmer, positive, positive feeling, slope, compass, adjective, shoe, music, exclusively, writing, content word, tranquillity, affectedness, sitting, ruler, head of state, wave, dark, repose, semidarkness, unnaturalness, magnitude, seat, hair, achiever, negotiator, traveler, ascent, darkness, bottom, facial hair, good nature, herb, disposition, remainder, composure, ace, rearward, range, footwear, extent, scene, seashore, illumination, good will, adverb, stretch, sovereign, airs, calm, moisture, scope, beard, life, representative, word, characteristic, modifier, solely, wetness, hair's-breadth, unity, animal, serenity, plant, cheery, compatibility, person, shore, calmness, pleasure, order


Sea lion resting on rocks and sea grass.


Creatures of the Wild

  • ID: 557a66ae82a5e87a0830810c
  • Original Size: 4608 x 3456px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: June 12, 2015
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes