Large $75

5069x8584 px | 16.9"x28.6" @ 300dpi


photograph, memory, inspiration, suggested, inspirational, nudity, holy, floor, ground, posing, body art, sitting, beautiful, art, beauty, empowering, hair, powerful, artistic, nude, naked, offering, light, body, black and white, woman, womanly, womanhood, face, light source, pose, photography, metaphors, skin, sensation, metaphor, window, gorgeous, ground-floor, white, eyes, black, girl, nakedness, bare, earth, supporting structure, maturity, graphic art, rhetorical device, perception, offer, framework, land, adult, adulthood, holy place, person, sense datum, painting, trope


woman, body, black and white, light, source of light, light above, offering, naked, nude, artistic, powerful, empowering, hair, gorgeous, beauty, beautiful, art, body art, sitting, posing, artistic pose, ground, floor, holy, light from window, light from above, nudity, suggested, inspiration, inspirational, sensation, memory, beautiful girl, beautiful hair, beautiful face, beautiful skin, beautiful eyes, metaphor, metaphors, photography, photograph

  • ID: 5832efc28d5282f6097b23c6
  • Original Size: 5069 x 8584px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: November 21, 2016
  • Permission: Yes
  • Releases Uploaded: 1
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes