asia, asien, southeastasia, suedostasien, thailand, north thailand, chiang rai, city, stadt, city centre, alltag, transport, road, strasse, stadtzentrum, down town, town, market, markt, marketstreet, marktstrasse, wat, temple, tempel, mung muang, wat mung muang, people, menschen, assorted, merchant, building, marketplace, landmass, businessperson, transportation, food, route, metropolis, asian country, vendor, urban area, vendors, gold-colored, fruits, front, selling, fruit, seller, person, produce, urban center, vegetable, street, district, plant part
the marketstreets in front of the Wat Mung Muang in the morning in the city centre of Chiang Rai in the north provinz of chiang Rai in the north of Thailand in Southeastasia.