appetizer, background, banquet, bowl, clean, close-up, cuisine, dine, dining, dip, dish, dishware, eat, fine, food, glass, healthy, hummus, lunch, meal, objects, round, setting, snack, spread, vegetable, vegetarian, white, chives, honion, green, sleek, paprica, tomato, red, bowl stack, mixed, inside, egg, spring onions, ceramic, gamete, gathering, cost, green onion, penalty, course, tableware, inequality, decrease, environment, ware, ovum, consumption, alliaceous plant, flavorer, bite, cooking, cell, disparity, social gathering, party, ingredient, plant, eating, circumstance, eater, sundry, miscellaneous, gap, crimson, interior, produce, liliaceous plant, difference, payment, photograph, onion, consumer, drop, person, dinner, magnitude, outgo, context, situation, circular, condiment, bulbous plant
fresh healthy hummus with tomato and chives typical middle east dish