factory, production, bottle, plastic, industry, plant, industrial, automation, empty, manufacturing, work, clean, many, manufacture, line, environment, machine, assembly, beverage, business, technology, material, pattern, automatic, bottling, equipment, water, container, background, liquid, photography, package, belt, mineral, milk, rows, pile, group, life, modern, labour, traveling, filling, clear, transportation, drink, texture, steel, blurred, row, lot, glass, tube, gathering, dairy product, autoloader, machine gun, profession, packet, firearm, engineering, mill, business activity, automatic rifle, travel, passage, application, conduit, mixture, high technology, food, class, automatic firearm, bundle, formation, heap, fabrication, commerce, transaction, gun, undertaking, weapon, batch, person, mass, alloy, tubing, loop
rows of empty plastic bottles at bottling plant. Production of small bottle line