AFRIKA, HANDWERK, NATURFARBE, LEDERFAERBEREI, GESCHICHTE, TRADITIONELL, HISTORISCH, HISTORIC, MARKET, FAERBERVIERTEL, FAERBEREI, LEDER, GERBERVIERTEL, GERBER, GESCHAEFT, VERKAUF, BAZAAR, SOUQ, MARKT, TRADITION, KULTUR, HANDEL, WIRTSCHAFT, ALLTAG, GASSE, MEDINA, ALTSTADT, KOENIGSSTAEDTE, KOENIGSSTAEDT, FES, REISEN, ARCHITEKTUR, MAROKKO, NORDAFRIKA, AFRICA, MOROCCO, CITY, OLD TOWN, LAETHER, PRODUCTION, FACTORY, WORK, TRAVEL, pink, textile, shop, marketplace, africa, plant, mill, market, city, landmass, fabric, district, travel, factory, production, music, metropolis, historical, urban area, medina, Morocco, historic, urban center, bazaar, tradition, handel, cloth, work, Africa, morocco, iron, african country
The fresh Leather gets dry on the sun near Leather production in front of the Citywall in the old City in the historical Town of Fes in Morocco in north Africa.