ASIA, ASIEN, BRUNEI, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, DARUSSALAM, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAM, CITY, STADT, ARCHITEKTUR, ARCHITECTURE, SOUTEASTASIA, CITYCENTRE, STADTZENTRUM, WATER VILLAGE, VILLAGE, KAMPUNG AYER, WASSERSTADT, PFAHLDORF, MOSQUE, MOSCHEE, boat, brown, water, person, three, body, roaming, outboard, daytime, bridge, gathering, internal-combustion engine, Asia, daylight, motor, village, settlement, city, landmass, district, mosque, asia, machine, 3, vehicle, sultanate, engine, brunei, metropolis, someone, heat engine, urban area, craft, urban center, community, day, building, outboard motor, small town, architecture
the water village and town of Kampung Ayer in the city of Bandar seri Begawan in the country of Brunei Darussalam on Borneo in Southeastasia.