bad, block, blocks, blog, business, concept, cube, disagree, dislike, instagram, internet, job, key, laptop, like, marketing, media, meme, monday, multimedia, negative, no, not, post, privacy, private, protected, protection, safe, safety, scam, secure, security, sign, social, spam, stop, stress, stressed, technology, tired, tweet, twitter, unfollow, unlike, up, wood, wooden, word, work, computer network, portable computer, serviceman, person, diaphragm, sound, profession, gathering, the like, engineering, computer, enlisted man, medium, writing, prosody, category, business activity, network, application, enlisted person, mechanism, crime, machine, aloneness, wrongdoing, canned food, canned meat, party, upwards, inclination, commerce, skilled worker, selling, merchandising, nature, food, social gathering, worker, berth, web log, difficulty, chirrup, transaction, diary, disposition, disfavor, day of the week, sociable, swindle, box, strongbox, kind, fraud, chirp, reclusiveness, undertaking, signal, personal computer, transgression, weekday, communication, transmission, problem, system, upward
unlike word written on wood block