Animal, Canine, Pet, Mammal, German Shepherd, tail, cute, mammal, walking, beige, brown, snout, farm dog, domesticated, gsd, pet, moving, cautious, canis familiaris, animal sanctuary, path, rescue animal, face, vertebrate, squinting, canine, approaching, dog on farm, caution, asphalt, looking, fluffy, paved, fur, german shepherd, friendly, nice, ears, dog, tan, animals, animal, light, shepherd, collar, sensory activity, force, look, walk, course, light brown, strip, city, clergyman, district, judiciousness, domestic animal, seat, way of life, leader, downy, military personnel, urban area, wisdom, band, looking at, know-how, paving, coming, ear, timid, care, spiritual leader, bottom, tooth, sagacity, person, nose, sensing, bone
A black and tan German shepherd farm dog approaches from a paved driveway with its ears low.