Animal, Invertebrate, Plant, Insect, Dung Beetle, Rock, agriculture, animal, asphalt, brown, close-up, closeup, copy, country, crap, dirt, dirty, droppings, dung, excrement, farm, feces, fertilizer, fresh, horse, luck, manure, muck, natural, nature, organic, outdoors, outside, pile, poo, poop, road, rural, shit, smell, space, street, surface, waste, outdoor, soil, achiever, fecal matter, unclean, chance, bunk, fortune, cultivation, new, farming, dirtiness, prick, dope, drivel, transaction, paving, heap, mammal, soiled, transcript, production, commerce, photograph, novel, equine, low-down, body waste, industry, batch, person, mass, workplace, son of a bitch, written record, route
A pile of horse manure on a paved road. The manure is high in hay and straw.