Aluminium, Foil, abstract, art, backdrop, background, board, brown, chipboard, color, compressed, construction, fiber, flat, fuchsia, grain, grunge, material, natural, panel, pattern, pink, plank, plywood, press, pressed, recycled, rough, sawdust, scotch, splinter, stain, strand, surface, tape, texture, textured, timber, vintage, wall, wallpaper, wood, wooden, antique, tone, soil, site, achiever, paper, strip, quality, depression, dirtiness, apartment, sheet, shrub, propulsion, housing, woody plant, scenery, plant, dirt, fragment, pressure, stage set, atom, bit, score, lamination, building, incision, building material, timbre, person, lumber, laminate, push
Pink panel plywood and pressed, with wood chips and residues of adhesive tape.