Tarmac, Asphalt, Freeway, Highway, Vehicle, Car, Transportation, Automobile, Intersection, air, asphalt, blurred, busy, car, cars, city, congestion, crowded, day, drive, driving, environment, fast, hour, hurry, jam, life, motion, pollution, road, rush, scene, smog, speed, street, stress, traffic, transport, transportation, travel, urban, vehicle, work, flowing, golf stroke, campaign, sweet, air pollution, rate, self-denial, dainty, conserve, twenty-four hours, confiture, impurity, district, environmental condition, automobile, prosody, wheeled vehicle, maneuver, metropolis, food, auto, urban area, urban center, paving, motor vehicle, symptom, temporal property, route, crusade, stroke, pace, haste, venture, undertaking, velocity
Traffic in the city, jam, flowing with blurred motion.