Text, Can, Tin, Spray Can, blank, blue, bottle, bright, cap, chemical, choice, chore, clean, cleaner, cleanse, color, container, copy, detergent, disinfect, disinfectant, domestic, equipment, freshness, full, group, handle, household, housework, hygiene, image, isolated, liquid, merchandise, neat, nobody, objects, plastic, protection, protective, purity, remote, retail, sanitary, shadow, shot, side, spray, studio, trigger, two, vibrant, washing, white, duty, sanitariness, selection, family, novelty, scene, commoner, wash, formulation, cleansing agent, phase of the moon, darkness, mental image, clothing, character, gun trigger, 2, full moon, selling, pesticide, symbol, worker, task, dark, job, cipher, lever, phase, transcript, commerce, transaction, bar, housekeeping, servant, work, appearance, vivacious, person, workplace, appendage, written record, remote control