Person, Flooring, Floor, Footwear, Clothing, Apparel, Shoe, Sitting, Wood, Corridor, Hardwood, Plywood, Pants, Handrail, Banister, abandonment, adult, alone, anxiety, anxious, bleakness, casual, corridor, dark, darkness, depressed, depression, desperate, dreariness, emotion, exclusion, failure, female, girl, gloom, gloominess, grief, hallway, helpless, hopeless, indoors, isolation, loneliness, lonely, lonesomeness, melancholy, misery, pensive, pessimistic, problem, sad, sadness, seclusion, sitting, solitariness, solitary, solitude, sorrow, thoughtful, troubled, unhappiness, unhappy, upset, wistfulness, woman, omission, regret, agitation, semidarkness, loner, illumination, fear, psychological state, misfortune, disturbance, privacy, uninterestingness, exclusively, passage, aloneness, reflective, boringness, inattention, hermit, powerlessness, desire, dullness, individualist, nature, withdrawal, difficulty, brooding, perturbation, disposition, passageway, hall, separation, longing, exception, fortune, desertion, reclusiveness, inside, departure, person, disregard, grownup, ill-being, solely, adversity, apprehension
A sad and desperate woman sits in a dark corridor illuminated by a gloomy light. Her pain and her many problems pushed her into complete isolation. His sadness is only equalled by his loneliness.