Produce, Food, Vegetable, Sprout, Bean Sprout, Grain, Noodle, Pasta, amount, backdrop, background, calcium, cheese, chow, cooking, culinary, dairy, delicious, diet, dish, domestic, eats, fare, food, grate, grated, grater, grub, heap, household, implement, ingredient, kitchen, large, metal, mozzarella, napkin, near, nourishment, nutrients, nutrition, pile, plate, prep, preparation, prepare, preparing, shredded, shiny, silver, surface, tabletop, tan, utensil, vertical, white, wood, wooden, assignment, scenery, dairy product, apple, family, eating apple, tableware, worker, grating, glistening, linen, menu, school assignment, farm, virtually, factor, edible fruit, homework, direction, barrier, drygoods, component, pome, stage set, fruit, plan, flatware, sustenance, kitchen utensil, ware, table linen, training, room, plant part, servant, undertaking, work, batch, element, person, produce, mass, workplace, agenda, work surface
Pile of shredded white cheese next to a large, metal cheese grater on a white plate next to a tan napkin on a wooden table