Human, Clothing, Apparel, Female, Evening Dress, Robe, Gown, Fashion, Dress, Rock, Woman, Girl, Face, People, Photography, Photo, Outdoors, girl, boyfriend, young, teenager, for a walk, together, quarry, granite, gravel, heap, gray, blue, sand, mountains, blonde, stand, sit, walk, couple, newlyweds, engagement, love, family, sky, tree, green, summer, day, tenderness, fashion, beauty, juvenile, commitment, victim, soil, household, gathering, grey, pair, promise, blond, pass, earth, age group, twenty-four hours, base on balls, adolescent, young man, batholith, woody plant, pile, prey, plant, viewpoint, mountain, season, rock, domestic partner, adult, igneous rock, standpoint, spouse, newlywed, man, target, accomplishment, batch, youth, person, mass, mode, lover, male, affection
blonde girl in a light blue dress and a guy in a light shorts and short shert in a granite quarry