Plant, Peel, Pasta, Fruit, anelletti, pasta, cooked, food, tasty, italian, recipe, sicilian, palermo, close-up, texture, italy, rustic, baked, eating, pan, cooking, mozzarella, tomato, cheese, sauce, traditional, nutrition, anellini, shape, cuisine, ingredient, yellow, kitchen, ring, meal, dinner, meat, lunch, homemade, gratin, casserole, sicily, oven, vegetable, ragout, baking, restaurant, peas, bechamel, course, italian cuisine, regional, southern, dairy product, commoner, sustenance, decoration, adornment, dish, education, port, city, feeding, kitchen utensil, jewelry, consumption, italian region, flavorer, cooking utensil, state, european country, factor, formula, pea, direction, durables, kitchen appliance, utensil, urban area, component, produce, stew, class, room, building, photograph, white sauce, district, home appliance, appliance, element, legume, person, condiment
Close up of baked anelletti. Anelletti al forno (baked anelletti) are a type of baked pasta typical of Palermo and its province but also widespread in the rest of Sicily