Hamster running on a wheel

Bible Studies for Life
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We need a photo of a hamster running on a hamster wheel inside a hamster cage. The photo should have a natural/realistic home setting feel. Not stock photo looking or too staged. Should work within a square format, but we need space to crop so landscape is ok to shoot. Hamster should be in focus, not motion blurred.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
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Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Home Lifestyle
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Congratulations Sheri :)
9 years ago - Thanks so very much for the purchase!!! I appreciate the support!
9 years ago - @Darin Clark - thank you for the nomination! I hope you'll find a picture that will fit your needs. If adjustments needed, just let me know. Thanks again!
9 years ago - My first nomination!! Thank you!!!
9 years ago - @Darin Clark ~ thank you very much for the nominations!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! That little hamster was very persnickety!
9 years ago - @Darin ~ great! I'll submit a few, maybe you'll like them. If I find a hamster before challenge is over, I'll try to take a pic of him as well :)
9 years ago - @ Julianna A mouse could be OK, but no rat.
9 years ago - @Darin would mice, small rat work at all? Thanks
9 years ago - @DarinClark sorry, but no. (
9 years ago - @dulin I really like the photo, but do you have a version that is not so tightly cropped. It would be ideal if you could see more of the wheel.
9 years ago - it was hard to make a good picture, thanks for the nomination!)))
9 years ago - I have a great pic but keep saying the pic is too small :(
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! It's not the easiest to photograph a hammy...they have minds all of their own...
9 years ago - Im on it๐Ÿญ๐Ÿน
9 years ago - Got it. Glad I have a hamster! And she's super cute so that's a plus. ๐Ÿน
9 years ago - You can submit images with some motion blur, the hamster just needs to be recognizable.
9 years ago - No motion blur on a hammy. This shall be a challenge! :-p