Tequila basics - still life /top view

Beverage Media April 2016 Cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for birds eye view of Tequila items/drinks; variety of tequila in glass (Anejo, Reposado, blanco), bottle, salt, limes, Agave leaves, map of Mexico on either wood grain OR dark slate surface. SEE SKETCH for composition.

The focus of story is basics of Tequila. What it is, where it comes from, etc.

Prefer Natural daylight setting, no branding/labels shown. Also leave space for copy.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Food and Drink Lifestyle Still Life
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination @larrylee
9 years ago - Agreed, a drink after a shoot is never a bad thing. Your requests are the best Larry!
9 years ago - But I enjoyed working on it and drinking the still life afterwards ;)
9 years ago - By the way, Agave plants are EXTREMELY difficult to find!!!
9 years ago - Did the request end a few hours sooner than it was supposed to? I have one additional entry and thought I had a few more hours left :(
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination Larry, it was fun working on this project
9 years ago - Hi Larry, was prepping my images but discovered that the submission has ended by the time they were ready to be uploaded. I was pretty sure there were few more hours left. Was the submission ended prematurely?
9 years ago - And, yes, really great photos everyone!
9 years ago - Thanks for your feedback @ LarryLee. Your requests are always highly anticipated and I look forward future attemptsπŸ‘
9 years ago - Message 2/2: While many submissions included above mentioned elements, some did not allow for cover copy, had inappropriate glassware/garnish and we needed Agave leaves that appeared full-sized and ready from harvest. Overall, this is a really close one and making a final decision will be tough!
9 years ago - Message 1/2: Hi all, thanks to everyone on all the great submissions so far! Nominations were decided based on how accurately the photo followed the sketch along with request in terms of elements, composition and lighting.
9 years ago - @Larry Lee I just submit 4 picture,can you please check them out,can you give me some feedback of my pictures. thank you!!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination Larry! Ant
9 years ago - I don't believe I have anything missing in my photos but thank you for your input @bilok
9 years ago - @Meg P I believe if you look second picture carefully you will figure out what missing in your photos , second picture is a great example , unfortunately I can not find proper agave plant , I don't want to submit because I have missing items so it won't be proper submission good luck all
9 years ago - Larry Lee... Is there any feedback you can give to the photographers who shot really solid photos, but weren't nominated? So many good shots that the lines between what was nomination worthy and those that were not seem very vague. Your Requests are highly anticipated and much effort is put in
9 years ago - @Rick Theis.... Glad to see it worked for youπŸ˜‰
9 years ago - @LarryLee Thank you! @MegP Thank you, I ended up buying an agave plant too, haha.
9 years ago - Three days left. Not giving up on this one. Great shots fellow photographers!
9 years ago - @LarryLee - Thank you very much for the nominations! Viva Tequila! 😊
9 years ago - Well done, Rick Theis!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
9 years ago - @LarryLee Thanks for the nomination.
9 years ago - I just found a Blue Agave Tequila Plant at a local garden center! And an old school map of Mexico at an antique shop. I'm very excited to reshoot this...
9 years ago - I hope, i nail it this time
9 years ago - Hi everyone - great submissions so far! Don't forget to leave negative space open for copy/text to be placed into. Thanks!
9 years ago - Oops, never mind I figured it out. Thanks
9 years ago - I shot over 15 pictures, camera set on portrait mode yet when I try to enter them in this request they get denied, saying the pictures are in landscape mode??? Any idea how I get past this?
9 years ago - Good evening, Mr Lee. I got a bit confused with the brief. So every single item is a must on the final picture? It's nearly impossible to find blue agave where I live. Also naturally lit picture would look uninteresting and flat in my opinion (for editorial shot like this).
9 years ago - I thought it would be a cheat to use aloe leaves, I almost got some. Now I see aloe in a nomination. Are aloe and agave interchangeable or related? Still looking for agave.
9 years ago - I can't wait to shoot this !! Haha liquor store tomorrow :p
9 years ago - I see it now and will shoot accordingly!
9 years ago - @LarryLee Sorry I didn't see that you were looking for different colors of Tequila. I'll try again tomorrow. This is a fun request!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!!
9 years ago - Many thanks
9 years ago - @Dorey You have such great pictures in your gallery but I don't understand why you did not get nominated.
9 years ago - Thank you @LarryLee.... Will be working over the next couple of days and submitting as I go. Any feedback would be appreciated.
9 years ago - Uuu love tequila! Tomorrow will shoot some, cheers! ;)
9 years ago - @gregblomberg - map can be new or old.
9 years ago - @megP - prefer to have more than 1 variety of tequila (gold, clear, etc.)
9 years ago - Hi Larry, one quick question, does the map of Mexico have to be new or can it be an old vintage roadmap?
9 years ago - @larrylee Are all three types of tequilla required in the same photograph?
9 years ago - @larrylee i cant wait to take a shot at this one! Thankyou for the oportunity. Hope you like what i come up with
9 years ago - I'm worried about any copyrights on the map. Will this be a problem?
9 years ago - Really looking forward to shooting this one later today! Do you have a preference on the tequila color? Would you prefer the golden coloring since some are very light to clear?