What if we never had to wait for the bus again

Adrian Gill
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want images of a person(s) waiting for the bus. The image is around the question/tagline "What if we never had to wait for the bus again"

Photos should not look stock. Open to images that are photo-shopped to convey the concept, but the original image at the bus stop should be submitted

Social Issues Street Transportation

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Oh and I believe it's 326dpi... I hope that's okay for you...
10 years ago - Thank you for purchasing my photo!!!!
10 years ago - Thank you For The Nomination :0)
10 years ago - We need a minimum of 300dpi for images submitted
10 years ago - @VlastislavMachacek Can you let us know how many pixels per inch(ppi) the image with the man walking in the bus lane image is? We may use it on large poster or billboard.
10 years ago - @JustinDeGarbo you're welcome. Can you let us know how many pixels per inch(ppi) this image is? We may use it on large poster or billboard.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
10 years ago - The street view angle is fine
10 years ago - @Adrian Gill have uploaded a couple of shots to your request just wanted to know if this is the sort of thing you are looking for.
10 years ago - Do you have a preference to the angle you want the shot from? Straight on, from the side? I have one in my profile of people waiting at the tram/bus stop but it's at a kind of street view angle.