Elderly in a retirement home watching TV

Telenet, an telecom company
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want hi res pictures of elderly in a retirement home watching TV. They are enjoying it (not sleeping).

The photos should not look posed. The atmosphere is hearthy, not gloomy. The elderly are enjoying this moment, it's not that they have been "parked" in front of the tv, abandoned. What you see on the TVscreen is of no importance. It should, however be a flatscreen tv, not an old, outdated model.
Both horizontal and vertical formats are welcome

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Reportage Portraiture
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project.
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the invite.
10 years ago - Hi - I only have a picture where You see the remote, I hope that helps...