Kids - Airway, Breathing, CPR

Limited run promotional material
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We would like a few more emergency first aid photos for kids to augment some requests last year. Once again it is the steps of Airway, Breathing, CPR. We are now looking to produce some limited promotional material for a client.

The brief is:

1) Indoor shots only please
2) Models should be ideally aged between 8-14, with the older as the victim.
3) Rescuer should be female, with no nail polish and only light make up. Victim can be either gender.

Inspirational images added for a guide to poses only. Other angles and perspectives are fine. The images depict open shirt. This must *not* be replicated in the photos. T-shirt / shorts or similar please.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Health Care Kids
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @madeofjam Thanks for the nominations and purchases, I really do appreciate it all.
9 years ago - Of you want to, i can make beter pictures, with youre instructions😊
9 years ago - Thanks - will be reviewing in the next couple of days.
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you for the nominations, i Will also upload other picture on my profile😊
9 years ago - @Mark Forster - Thanks for the input. I have submitted 5 additional shots for you. I can still submit 5 additional if you would like. Let me know. I can shoot them tomorrow. Thanks for the nominations!
9 years ago - The nomination is much appreciated. Thank you!
9 years ago - @mgcatfish - Thanks for the uploads. If you are happy to add more, would be good to see a few close ups similar to the Orange T-Shirt pic in the example images - posed as if to start rescue breathing with head back, nose pinched closed, hand keeping mouth open. Thanks!
9 years ago - Let me know if you would like me to change anything in my submissions. I'll reshoot tomorrow if you like
9 years ago - @erikablair You are welcome! Thank you for the uploads.
9 years ago - Thanks so much for the nomination!!
9 years ago - If they need to be closer, please let me know. Would be happy to make the adjustment.
9 years ago - As per your request, I have submitted some close ups of chest compression and airway check.
9 years ago - halo
9 years ago - Thank you for the invite I will be shooting the photos quite soon!
9 years ago - @madeofjam Thanks again for the nominations
9 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
9 years ago - Seems to be an issue updating pics - I've asked Snapwire tofix for me. But until then - pic is in my dropbox -
9 years ago - Thanks for the submissions so far - some great shots which are just what we are after. I've added one more example shot - The client has asked for a few close in shots as well if possible.
9 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
9 years ago - @mgcatfish Thanks, Will be a minimum of 3, maybe more.
9 years ago - I'll try to get these over the weekend. You are buying 3 photos? As per examples?
9 years ago - You are all welcome for the nominations. Happy to see shots from different angles - It's always good to see photographers' interpretations.
9 years ago - So thrilled! Thank you for the nomination!
9 years ago - @madeofjam Thanks for the nomination
9 years ago - @madeofjam thank you for the invite and nomination!
9 years ago - Thanks for the invite :) I'll see what I can do :)
9 years ago - @madeofjam Hi again, I do appreciate your insight. Please let me know if you need a wider shot, brighter or different angles.
9 years ago - @jfields29 ideally between 8 and 14, but any age would be ok.
9 years ago - @madeofjam of what age should the female rescuer be
9 years ago - @jfields29 Thanks - They do fit the brief better, however my client is after a female rescuer, and either male of female 'victim' - sorry, should have been clearer in my last comment.
9 years ago - @madeofjam Hey Mark Forster, I just submitted two photo's and wanted to see if it fit what you are looking for or do you need more.
9 years ago - Thanks for the uploads so far! @A_L_Photography - thanks! @jfields29 - Thanks for the upload, I like your photography style - however I'm ideally looking for both rescuer and victim to be kids, so if you shot any like that, it would be great to see them as well.
9 years ago - I'll see what I can do!