
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Skillshare is an online learning community where anyone can discover, take, or even teach a class. Skillshare has provided Snapwire users with an exclusive 3-month free trial along with some curated classes we think will help you create the best photos for this challenge.

Redeem your free 3-month trial and take the classes using this link:

In this Challenge, we'd like to see your creativity and talent when shooting Portraits. Shoot those different expressions from people or groups and capture their personality, expression or mood. You can take stunning photos of their faces, half or even their entire body with or blurry background, in a studio or anywhere you prefer.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
4MP+ (ex: 2272x1704px+)
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Portraiture Couples Families People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

7 years ago - thank you for the nominations
7 years ago - closed with no winners?
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination 📷🐝
8 years ago - @skillshare thanks very much for the nomination 😍
8 years ago - @skillshare thanks for the nom!!
8 years ago - Hi everyone, thanks for the submissions! We'll be reviewing images over the next few days, winner will be announced on Monday March 6th. If you haven't already, you can still redeem your free 3mth Skillshare trial here: http://skl.sh/snapwire_portrait
8 years ago - hi....when can we know ur final result?
8 years ago - I cant submit any entries to all request and challenges. Any reason?
8 years ago - I think I'm having a similar problem, won't let me submit my photo
8 years ago - Hi, I submit my photo.
8 years ago - @snapwire Hi, two of my photos appear as landscape when they're portrait. The original file is portrait orientation. Can you help me with this? Thanks
8 years ago - My pictures saturation go drastically dropped after upload.-.
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - Hi!! how are you? Is the model release necessary?
8 years ago - thanks for the nominations!
8 years ago - @skillshare, thanks for the nomination. Cheers!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination @skillshare
8 years ago - Explorers have beautiful photos too!
8 years ago - Hello Snapwire, I invite you to see my photos although I'm still an explorer I want to be a shooter soon. I am working on it...
8 years ago - Hi everyone, great job on the pictures, really impressed with the quality across the board! If you haven't already, get your free 3mth Skillshare trial + checkout great classes on Portrait Photography: http://skl.sh/snapwire_portrait
8 years ago - Thanks for the submitted. :D
8 years ago - In what size i can upload my pictures?
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!)