I'm a North American Native that grew up on a oppressed reservation in Northern Ontario. Pushed passed adversity and graduated from Westminster Secondary School in London,Ontario. Continued into finishing a Heavy Equipment Operators Course offered from Kim Richardson's Transportation Specialist, in Caledonia Ontario during the Six Nations Occupation of a lands dispute between Caledonia township and Six Nations Reservations over an illegal building on an expired and unresolved lease extension agreement. I am a Self Proclaimed Artist with some achievements in Painting,Portrait Drawing, Soap Stone Carving, Indigenous Leather Work, Urban Graffiti Art, Self Expression Conceptual Art, Traditional Artwork and Modern Art forms. I have overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of a young Native Man from truly growing and thriving in today's modern society and left behind a life of crime and Abuse of all forms, Drug, Mental, Sexual and Physical. I am a recovering Addict and looking to spread Awareness to my People of all walks of life about Overcoming and Helping People Understand the Hardships that everybody deals with and to show to look passed the stereo types that people have about Native people in the north and to creat awareness that my people have it disappeared and are going to be here for generations and thrive in the face of all odds.