Chad Tasky

  • chadtasky
  • San Francisco
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

CHAD TASKY: San Francisco-Based Photographer & Film-Maker

I once built a pin-hole camera from a Quaker Oats container in a high-school photography class, and have been fascinated with the art of capturing images ever since. Immersing myself in the fumes of the darkroom, dodging & burning until I was dizzy, I knew I had stumbled upon something special. Around the same time I also began learning how to produce & edit videos in a media-arts class, and found myself losing track of time while watching time-code jog around before my eyes. I learned something very important back then: I like making images.

For the past 13 years I've been employed as a Drum-Tech for professional touring rock-bands, which has taken me around the world quite a bit. Having the opportunity to have traveled to so many beautiful locations, I've come across some pretty amazing subjects to aim my camera at. I'm constantly amazed at all the hidden beauty in the world.

Chad Tasky

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