Docarriii is a photographer based in Austin, Texas he has been implementing his vision in the US since his recent means of relocating. There a speculations of Docarriii ultimately losing his mind along with himself resulting in his act of incognito. A cold tale could only depict the truth when it came to Docarriii describing the undliuted versions. Born In Fargo North Dakota in 1992 with time only ticking away to embark on what would be considered the real loop. For 20 years the soul of Docarriii had been consistently dragged by the demons whom tormented the vary lost souls in this free world we all roam. He alone has described it as if you were to have the thickest rope you can find, having it tied around your waist and having the first five people you can think of pulling in their own directions in every direction. The irony of it all of being in a constant tug of war for his own well Docarriii found himself more free than most. It was this very realization that premeditated his death of how the world would perceive him vs the idea of how he truly perceived himself. In a constant battle with ourselves we all are. Theres a thin line when you decide to cross paths with world success verses your self view on your own success through your own perception. Only your tendencies will allow you to guide the flesh that holds you use to plant your feet firm into the paved streets of society.