I can say that I've learned alot about myself this past year. I'm alot stronger than I ever thought I could be...I CAN live on a budget (lol), not because I want to but because I have to...and more than life itself my kids mean the world to me.
I've learned that people aren't always
who they claim to be...and not everyone
means what they say. A promise to most
people are just words. I've been told that
I have almost no life experience, and I can see how that's true in many ways. I'm naive, I want to see the good in everyone, when someone tells me something, I expect it to be the truth. I've figured out that I can't make everyone happy. I'm actually tired
of trying. I need to do what I think is best fo me and my kids, and not worry about what everyone else's opinions are. At the end of the day, it's me that has to face my decisions alone in the mirror. Not everyone is going to agree with my decisions, or like them, and certainly not understand them... And I've realized it's not my job to convince everyone of why I've made those decisions...the people that care about me should understand that I made the best decision with the choices I had at the time. I've discovered that the only love I'm comfortable with is the love of my kids. I've accepted that love is painful. Love requires vulnerability... Which requires complete trust in another....